Several thousand families and individuals are still living in eastern Ukraine near the conflict zone. These are people who are either too poor, old, disabled or otherwise unable to leave their homes to live in other parts of Ukraine–and who have their electricity and/or gas supplies shut off or severly limited due to bombings or economic reasons.
By God’s grace and your help, Arise! Ukraine has been able to send hundreds of tons of wood and coal to these people since the first invasions began in 2014–usually enough for the three coldest months of winter.
Wood is delivered cut and un-cut. Coal is often delivered in highly compressed blocks–burning efficiently and hot.
Each delivery is supervised by local pastors / ministers who also often give spiritual literature, Bibles, New Testaments, personal counsel and encouragement–and in many cases, hold evangelistic outreaches in their regions.
Thank you for helping us care for these people who are still in eastern Ukraine!
You can help us distribute more coal and wood:
Each supply (apprx. 2.5 tons) of wood costs $220.
This is enough for an average family to get through the coldest months of winter.
- One family = 2.5 tons of wood = $220
- Two families = 5 tons of wood = $440
- Three families = 7.5 tons of wood = $660
- etc.
Select to give on-line:
Or send a gift to our U.S. office.
Checks can be made to: Arise! Ukraine and sent to:
Arise! Ukraine
PO. Box 812
Sioux Falls, SD 57101
Gifts will be wired to the team in Ukraine for distribution. You will receive a tax receipt.
(And please continue to pray for a quick and just end to the war. Thank you.)